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Delivering a Brand Idea That Is Too Good To Be True

Rx ‘n Go



Rx ‘n Go is a mail-order Rx benefit that delivers up to a 90-day supply of generic medications right to our member’s home for free. The Orchard / Magnetic partnership was tasked with developing a unique and compelling brand identity along with a consistent communications platform and key visual elements that delivered on their brand promise as well as the design and develop a new website platform to drive quality engagement across all business constituents.

Brand Guidelines



  • Leveraged insights from key stakeholder interview, site, keyword, content and competitive analytics to inform the creation of a brand identity platform and multiple user personas
    • Included logo, color palate, typography, graphics, manifesto and tagline
  • Creation of a personalized online user experience for each persona based on their unique user stories
  • Design and development of a website with intuitive navigation and meaningful content to assist each end user on their unique online journey


A brand identity that distinguishes Rx ‘n Go in the minds of their brokers, HR manager and members

A deep understanding of user needs in the digital world with a communication strategy and website designed to address and deliver on those needs

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